Library & Useful Links
Books, Magazines and DVDs
The Guild has an ever growing collection of Woodturning and Woodwork related books, magazines and DVDs which have been donated by members. These items can be borrowed at any of the club events, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon sessions in the workshop, Monday night discussion sessions or monthly meetings.
Useful Links
Pop's Shed - Melbourne outer east supplier of all things woodturning
Woodworking Warehouse - Braeside woodturning and machinery warehouse.
Carbatec - Woodworking tools and machinery
Hare and Forbes - Woodworking and engineering machinery
The sandpaper man - All things abrasive
Small Parts and Bearings - supplier of engineering parts and materials
Offcuts Galore - Metals and plastic offcut supplier (eBay store)
UBeaut Enterprises - Finishing products
AA Bearings - Great local supplier of bearings, pulleys, belts, etc
Specialty Saws - Supplier for all saw blades, they're also a great source for router bits.
Gilly Stephenson - W.A. maker of waxes and polishes. Makes a great beeswax/carnauba stick and beeswax filler sticks.
Beadstore - Another good source for jewellery findings.
Float a Boat - A hobby supply shop in Ringwood. Good source of materials such as aluminium, copper, brass, etc in sheet, bar and tube.
Wooden Joys - Supplier of wooden wheels, axles, etc.
Woodworker's Library - Great source for woodworking books.
Livos - Manufacturer of a great rang of non allergenic, organic finishes. Many turners are moving to Livos products as an allergen free alternative to conventional finishes.
Infinity Cutting Tools - US supplier of saw blades, woodworking tools and supplies.
Woodworking Supplies - for woodworkers, supplied and supported by woodworkers.
Jalor Tools - saw sharpening and bandsaw blades
Woodwork Forums - Australian woodworking forum (operated by uBeaut)
I Wood Like - New Australian woodworking forum
Lumberjocks.com - Top US based woodworking forum
Stu's Shed - Interesting local woodworker's blog
Woodworkers Guide - Woodworkers on-line list of 100 best on line woodworking websites
Woodturner's Resource - Woodturning forum
Woodturner's Resource Woodturners websites - List of woodturning related websites
Woodturning on Line - Very comprehensive Woodturning Website
Blue Collar Woodworking - Stumpy Nubs' site. Lots of good woodworking tips, advice, videos and projects
Northern Woodturners - Adelaide woodturning club. They have a great 2 day demo weekend in November each year, not to be missed!
Bribie and District Woodcrafters - A great source for suppliers, resources and clubs
Around the Woods - Woodturning site with tips, techniques and projects
Woodturning Videos - Best dedicated collection of woodturning videos in one place on the web.
Woodworker's Library - US site with huge range of woodworking books for sale.
Bin Pho's Studio - Website of Binh Pho, master of thin walled turning and airbrushed pieces.
Woodgears - Canadian woodworking site. Lots of plans for, jigs, machinery, projects, etc.
Rockler - Tons of useful woodworking and woodturning articles, advice and projects.
American Association of Woodturners -The premier world body of woodturners with a great bi-monthly magazine for members.
Organic Lesson - Primarily a garden site but it is developing an interesting woodturning section which will prove useful and informative to beginners.
Bungendore Wood Works - Australian site featuring high quality craftsmanship
Australian Woodturning Exhibition - The AWTEx stunning new website
Basket Illusion Process - Videos on the complete basket illusion process on Harvey Myer's site
Timberley Woodturning - Kiwi turner Terry Scott's website. Turning tips and on line store.
Woodturning Videos - A great site which has collated a whole swathe of wood turning videos from all over the web. It has a good a good search facility and a good variety of topics for turners of all levels
Paul Bartlett's Furniture and Woodturning - Paul is a very talented/skilled segmented turner. Some of the items in his galleries contain links to PDFs that explain his construction techniques
The Wood Database - A comprehensive (albeit biased to North American woods) edition featuring the properties and articles on a wide array of wood types
Understanding Woodturning Catches - An excellent video by Richard Raffan showing the pitfalls (and how to avoid them) of catches when using a skew chisel and gouges.
Discover Woodturning - American Association of Woodturners pages for beginners.
Sharpening & Using Microbevel - American Association of Woodturners
Divider Wheel Generator - Generate you own indexing wheel to your divisions
American Association of Woodturners - Fundermentals of Sharpening
Cyclone Dust Extraction - Info on dust removal
General Safety Tips for Woodworking Machines - Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety page on general workshop safety.
Woodturning Lathes - Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety page on the woodturning lathe.
Safe use of Woodworking Machinery (Guarding) - Commerce WA brochure on machinery guarding
Equipment Safety - Knox and District Woodworkers Club comprehensive equipment safety sheets
Woodworking Safety Videos - Fine Woodworking website ** Subscriptoin required**
A guide to Safety in the Wood Products Industry - Worksafe Victoria publication specifically for industry but plenty of good practical info on good workshop practices
Wood Lathe Safety Tips - from a US Safety training and compliance monitoring company
Wood Lathe Hazard Identification - Hazard ID sheet from Workcover NSW
Hazards in the Woodturning Workshop - Comprehensive article from Turning Wooden Bowls in the UK blog
Wood Toxicity Table - Article on wood health hazards with table of toxicity.
Tools Critic - This is mainly for equipment recalls in America but may also be useful in Australia.
PSI Woodworking Instructions Page - Pens and craft instructions, plans, etc.
Design Concepts - Woodturning Design Concepts that are key to success