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2018 Australian Woodturning Exhibition

David Tonkin Novice 1st Place Spindle Tu

David Tonkin Novice 1st Place Spindle Tu

Rick Hillier Novice Miniature, Huon Pine

Rick Hillier Novice Miniature, Huon Pine

Rick Hillier Novice 2nd Place Spindle tu

Rick Hillier Novice 2nd Place Spindle tu

Rick Hillier Novice 1st Place Natural Ed

Rick Hillier Novice 1st Place Natural Ed

Rick Hillier Novice 1st Place Identical

Rick Hillier Novice 1st Place Identical

Rick Hillier Novice 1st Place Hollow Ves

Rick Hillier Novice 1st Place Hollow Ves

Richard jardine Novice Spindle Turned,Os

Richard jardine Novice Spindle Turned,Os

Richard Jardine Novice Pen, Red Mallee B

Richard Jardine Novice Pen, Red Mallee B

Richard jardine Novice Miniature, Ring T

Richard jardine Novice Miniature, Ring T

Richard Jardine Novice Miniature, Pear,

Richard Jardine Novice Miniature, Pear,

Richard Jardine Novice Lidded Container,

Richard Jardine Novice Lidded Container,

Richard Jardine Novice Item with Natural

Richard Jardine Novice Item with Natural

Richard Jardine Novice Bowl Over 200mm,R

Richard Jardine Novice Bowl Over 200mm,R

Richard Jardine Novice Bowl Over 200mm,

Richard Jardine Novice Bowl Over 200mm,

Richard jardine Novice 3rd Place Pen,Huo

Richard jardine Novice 3rd Place Pen,Huo

Jim Pagonis Intermediate 3rd Place Spind

Jim Pagonis Intermediate 3rd Place Spind

Richard Jardine Novice 2nd Place Platter

Richard Jardine Novice 2nd Place Platter

Jim Pagonis Intermediate 2nd Place Spind

Jim Pagonis Intermediate 2nd Place Spind

Jim Pagonis Intermediate 2nd Place Spind

Jim Pagonis Intermediate 2nd Place Spind

David Tonkin Novice Item with Natural Ed

David Tonkin Novice Item with Natural Ed

Cliff Walsh 1st Place Laminated Build up

Cliff Walsh 1st Place Laminated Build up

Cliff Walsh Open Spindle turned Blackwoo

Cliff Walsh Open Spindle turned Blackwoo

Cliff Walsh Open Minature Various timber

Cliff Walsh Open Minature Various timber

Cliff Walsh 1st Place Laminated Build up

Cliff Walsh 1st Place Laminated Build up

David Tonkin Novice 1st Place Spindle Tu

David Tonkin Novice 1st Place Spindle Tu

Charles mercer Novice 3rd Place Bowl Ove

Charles mercer Novice 3rd Place Bowl Ove

2017 Australian Woodturning Exhibition

Rick Hillier 2nd Spindle turned Item, BanksiaBlackwood, Danish oil

Rick Hillier 2nd Spindle turned Item, BanksiaBlackwood, Danish oil

Cliff Walsh1st Identical pair, Box on stand, Blackwood, Acrylic finish

Cliff Walsh1st Identical pair, Box on stand, Blackwood, Acrylic finish

Richard jardine 1st place Spindle turned Item

Richard jardine 1st place Spindle turned Item

Rick Hillier Red Gum Burl platter, Danish oil

Rick Hillier Red Gum Burl platter, Danish oil

Rick Hillier Natural edge Jarrah burl, Danish oil

Rick Hillier Natural edge Jarrah burl, Danish oil

Rick Hillier BanksiaRed gumAsh Ebony

Rick Hillier BanksiaRed gumAsh Ebony

Rick Hillier 3rd place bowl over 200mm Eucalyptus Danish oil

Rick Hillier 3rd place bowl over 200mm Eucalyptus Danish oil

Rick Hillier 3rd Lidded Container, Osage OrangeEbony, Danish oil

Rick Hillier 3rd Lidded Container, Osage OrangeEbony, Danish oil

Rick Hillier 2nd place Bowl up to 200mm Rose Sheoak, Danish oil

Rick Hillier 2nd place Bowl up to 200mm Rose Sheoak, Danish oil

Richard Jardine Red Gum Vase, Glow finish

Richard Jardine Red Gum Vase, Glow finish

Richard Jardine Needle case, Camphor Laurel, Osage Orange, Glow

Richard Jardine Needle case, Camphor Laurel, Osage Orange, Glow

Richard Jardine Mango Burl Pen

Richard Jardine Mango Burl Pen

Rick Hillier Partridgewood, Danish oil finish

Rick Hillier Partridgewood, Danish oil finish

Richard Jardine Natural edge Doll, Ornamental Pear Danish oil

Richard Jardine Natural edge Doll, Ornamental Pear Danish oil

Richard Jardine Atlantic cedar, danish oil

Richard Jardine Atlantic cedar, danish oil

Richard Jardine Green turned Bowl Atlantic cedar, danish oil

Richard Jardine Green turned Bowl Atlantic cedar, danish oil

Richard Jardine 2nd place Pen, Mango Burl, Natural oil finish

Richard Jardine 2nd place Pen, Mango Burl, Natural oil finish

Richard Jardine 1st Place Spindle Turned Item, BlackwoodOrange Brush Box, Danish oil

Richard Jardine 1st Place Spindle Turned Item, BlackwoodOrange Brush Box, Danish oil

John Wheeler Cotoneaster vase, Danish oil

John Wheeler Cotoneaster vase, Danish oil

Graham Besley Vase Ripple decoration, AshRed Gum, Danish oil

Graham Besley Vase Ripple decoration, AshRed Gum, Danish oil

Graham Besley Conical container at rest

Graham Besley Conical container at rest

Graham Besley Conical container at rest, OakRed gum,Danish oil finish

Graham Besley Conical container at rest, OakRed gum,Danish oil finish

Geoff Easton Small Shallow dish Photina Danish oil

Geoff Easton Small Shallow dish Photina Danish oil

Geoff Easton Small shallow dish with natural edge Danish oil

Geoff Easton Small shallow dish with natural edge Danish oil

Cliff Walshlidded form with legs

Cliff Walshlidded form with legs

Cliff Walsh pierced cube EbonyEnglish Ash Acrylic

Cliff Walsh pierced cube EbonyEnglish Ash Acrylic

Cliff Walsh Mantle clock2

Cliff Walsh Mantle clock2

Cliff Walsh Lidded form with legs

Cliff Walsh Lidded form with legs

Cliff Walsh Mantle clock

Cliff Walsh Mantle clock

Cliff Walsh First place spindle turned item,New Guinea Community Hut Blackwood, Acrylic finish

Cliff Walsh First place spindle turned item,New Guinea Community Hut Blackwood, Acrylic finish

Cliff Walsh First place minature,Spiral box EbonyBlackwood Acrylic finish

Cliff Walsh First place minature,Spiral box EbonyBlackwood Acrylic finish

Cliff Walsh close up of lid of lidded form with legs

Cliff Walsh close up of lid of lidded form with legs

cliff Walsh close up of hut

cliff Walsh close up of hut

Cliff Walsh Carved Laminated Vase, Indian Rosewood, Acrylic finish

Cliff Walsh Carved Laminated Vase, Indian Rosewood, Acrylic finish

Cliff Walsh Bowl with lid,

Cliff Walsh Bowl with lid,

Cliff Walsh 2nd place ornamental turning,Australian Sycamore Acrylic finish

Cliff Walsh 2nd place ornamental turning,Australian Sycamore Acrylic finish

Cliff Walsh 2nd place laminated,Lidded form with legs,Indian RosewoodVeneer, Acrylic finish

Cliff Walsh 2nd place laminated,Lidded form with legs,Indian RosewoodVeneer, Acrylic finish

Cliff Walsh Box on stand

Cliff Walsh Box on stand

Cliff Walsh Bowl with lid,Myrtle and various timber,Danish oil

Cliff Walsh Bowl with lid,Myrtle and various timber,Danish oil

Cliff Walsh 1st place Clock Mantle clockEbonyPadauk, Acrlic finish

Cliff Walsh 1st place Clock Mantle clockEbonyPadauk, Acrlic finish

2016 Australian Woodturning Exhibition

Cliff Walsh - Open spindle Turned Item

Cliff Walsh - Open spindle Turned Item

Cliff Walsh - Open Lidded Container

Cliff Walsh - Open Lidded Container

Cliff Walsh - Open Laminated Built Up

Cliff Walsh - Open Laminated Built Up

Charles Mercer - Novice Vase

Charles Mercer - Novice Vase

David Tonkin - Novice Spindle Turned Item

David Tonkin - Novice Spindle Turned Item

Ron Dunstan - Intermediate Clock

Ron Dunstan - Intermediate Clock

Ross Gabriel - Novice Spindle Turned Item

Ross Gabriel - Novice Spindle Turned Item

Ross Gabriel - Novice Clock, Eq 3rd Place

Ross Gabriel - Novice Clock, Eq 3rd Place

Ross Gabriel - NoviceVase

Ross Gabriel - NoviceVase

Ross Gabriel - Novice Vase 2

Ross Gabriel - Novice Vase 2

Ross Gabriel - Novice Item with a Natural Edge

Ross Gabriel - Novice Item with a Natural Edge

Ross Gabriel - Novice Bowl Over 20cm

Ross Gabriel - Novice Bowl Over 20cm

Ross Gabriel - Novice BowlOver 20cm

Ross Gabriel - Novice BowlOver 20cm

Ross Gabriel - Novice Bowl less than 20cm

Ross Gabriel - Novice Bowl less than 20cm

Ross Gabriel - Novice Bowl less than 20cm 2

Ross Gabriel - Novice Bowl less than 20cm 2

Richard Jardine - Novice Pen, 3rd Place

Richard Jardine - Novice Pen, 3rd Place

David Coull - Intermediate Platter

David Coull - Intermediate Platter

Richard Jardine - Novice Lidded Container

Richard Jardine - Novice Lidded Container

David Coull - Intermediate Lidded Container

David Coull - Intermediate Lidded Container

David Coull - Intermediate Identical Pair

David Coull - Intermediate Identical Pair

Richard Jardine - Novice Bowl over 20cm

Richard Jardine - Novice Bowl over 20cm

Ray Dennis - Novice Novelty Item, 1st Place  Best Novice Equal Third Place

Ray Dennis - Novice Novelty Item, 1st Place Best Novice Equal Third Place

Ray Smith - Intermediate Miniature

Ray Smith - Intermediate Miniature

ray Smith - Intermediate Miniature Item

ray Smith - Intermediate Miniature Item

Ray Smith - Intermediate Lidded Container, 2nd Place

Ray Smith - Intermediate Lidded Container, 2nd Place

Ray Smith - Intermediate Identical Pair, 2nd Place

Ray Smith - Intermediate Identical Pair, 2nd Place

Ray Smith - Intermediate Bowl over 20cm

Ray Smith - Intermediate Bowl over 20cm

John Osborne - Novice Platter, 1st Place

John Osborne - Novice Platter, 1st Place

John Osborne - Novice Miniature Item

John Osborne - Novice Miniature Item

John Osborne - Novice Miniature Item, 3rd Place

John Osborne - Novice Miniature Item, 3rd Place

John Osborne - Novice Identical Pair, 1st Place

John Osborne - Novice Identical Pair, 1st Place

John Osborne - Novice Bowl less than 20cm, 1st Place

John Osborne - Novice Bowl less than 20cm, 1st Place

John Osborne - Novice Clock

John Osborne - Novice Clock

John Osborne - Novice Bowl  less than 20cm

John Osborne - Novice Bowl less than 20cm

John McBrinn - Open Wood Art, 1st Place

John McBrinn - Open Wood Art, 1st Place

John McBrinn - Open Identiacl Pair, 1st Place

John McBrinn - Open Identiacl Pair, 1st Place

John McBrinn - Open Bowl over 20cm

John McBrinn - Open Bowl over 20cm

John McBrinn - Open Bowl less than 20cm

John McBrinn - Open Bowl less than 20cm

John Mc Brinn - Open Vase

John Mc Brinn - Open Vase

Jim Pagonis - Spindle Turned Item, 2nd Place

Jim Pagonis - Spindle Turned Item, 2nd Place

Jim Pagonis - Intermediate Spindle Turned Item

Jim Pagonis - Intermediate Spindle Turned Item

Graham Besley - Intermediate Wood Art, 2nd Place

Graham Besley - Intermediate Wood Art, 2nd Place

Graham Besley - Intermediate Vase, 3rd Place

Graham Besley - Intermediate Vase, 3rd Place

Graham Besley - Intermediate Novelty Item

Graham Besley - Intermediate Novelty Item

Graham Besley - Intermediate Identical Pair, 1st Place

Graham Besley - Intermediate Identical Pair, 1st Place

Graham Besley - Intermediate Clock, 1st Place

Graham Besley - Intermediate Clock, 1st Place

Geoff Easton - Novice Wood Art

Geoff Easton - Novice Wood Art

Geoff Easton - NoviceWood Art

Geoff Easton - NoviceWood Art

Geoff Easton - Novice Novelty Item

Geoff Easton - Novice Novelty Item

Geoff Easton - Novice Item with a Natural Edge

Geoff Easton - Novice Item with a Natural Edge

Geoff Easton - Novice Bowl over 20cm

Geoff Easton - Novice Bowl over 20cm

Geoff Easton - Novice Bowl less than 20cm

Geoff Easton - Novice Bowl less than 20cm

Geoff Easton  - Novice Spindle Turned Item

Geoff Easton - Novice Spindle Turned Item

Frank Larsen - Novice Clock, 2nd Place

Frank Larsen - Novice Clock, 2nd Place

Frank Larsen - Novice Bowl less than 20cm

Frank Larsen - Novice Bowl less than 20cm

Eric Hillier, Novice Clock, Eq 3rd Place

Eric Hillier, Novice Clock, Eq 3rd Place

Eric Hillier - Novice Clock, 1st Place - Best Novice Equal First

Eric Hillier - Novice Clock, 1st Place - Best Novice Equal First

Eric Hillier - Novice Lidded Container, 2nd Place

Eric Hillier - Novice Lidded Container, 2nd Place

Eric Hillier - Novice Bowl over 20cm

Eric Hillier - Novice Bowl over 20cm

Eric Hillier - Novice Item with a Natural Edge

Eric Hillier - Novice Item with a Natural Edge

Eric Hillier - Novice Item with a Natural Edge 2

Eric Hillier - Novice Item with a Natural Edge 2

Eric Hillier - Novice Bowl less than 20cm

Eric Hillier - Novice Bowl less than 20cm

2015 Australian Woodturning Exhibition

Val Dalsanto - Intermediate Lidded Container

Val Dalsanto - Intermediate Bowl up to 20cm

Val Dalsanto - Intermediate Lidded Container

Val Dalsanto - Intermediate Clock

Val Dalsanto - Intermediate Clock

Val Dalsanto - Intermediate Bowl up to 20cm

Ross Gabriel - Novice Spindle Turned Item - 3rd Place

Ross Gabriel - Novice Spindle Turned Item - 1st Place

Ross Gabriel - Novice Lidded Container

Ross Gabriel - Novice Laminated - 1st Place

Ross Gabriel - Novice Clock

Ross Gabriel - Novice Bowl over 20cm

Ron Dunstan - Novice Identical Pair - 3rd Place

Ray Smith - Intermediate Miniature Item - 3rd Place

Ray Smith - Intermediate Lidded Container - 1st Place

Ray Smith - Intermediate Identical Pair - 3rd Place

Ray Smith - Intermediate Clock 2nd Place

Ray Smith - Intermediate Bowl over 20cm

Ray Smith- Intermediate Item with a Natural Edge

Ray Smith - Intermediate Bowl over 20cm

Ray Smith - Intermediate Bowl less than 20cm - 2nd Place

Murray Coulthard - Novice Lidded Container

Murray Coulthard - Novice Clock

Max Lehmann - Intermediate Wood Art

Max Lehman - Intermediate Bowl over 20cm

John Wheeler - Novice Vase - 1st Place

John Wheeler - Novice Miniature Item - 3rd Place

John Osborne - Novice Wood Art

John Osborne - Novice Spindle Turned Item

John Osborne - Novice Platter - 1st Place and 3rd Best Novice

John Osborne - Novice Minature Item - 1st Place

John Osborne - Novice Lidded Container - 2nd Place

John Osborne - Novice Clock

John Osborne - Novice Clock - 1st Place

John Osborne - Novice Bowl up to 20cm - 1st Place

John McBrinn - Open Novelty Item - 1st Place

John McBrinn - Open Identical Pair - 1st Place

John McBrinn - Open Bowl under 20cm - 1st Place

John McBrinn - Open Bowl Over 20cm - 1st Place

Jim Pagonis - Intermediate Spindle Turned Item - 3rd Place

Jim Pagonis - Intermediate Spindle Turned Item - 2nd Place

Jim Pagonis - Intermediate Clock

Ian Absalom - Intermediate Lidded Container - 3rd Place

Graham Besley Intermediate Wood Art

Graham Besley Intermediate Spindle Turned Item - 3rd Place

Graham Besley Intermediate Novelty Item

Graham Besley Intermediate Novelty Item

Graham Besley Intermediate Identical Pair - 1st Plac

Graham Besley Intermediate Clock 1st Place and 3rd Best Intermediate

Graham Besley Intermediate Bowl over 20cm

Graham Besley Intermediate Bowl over 20cm - 2nd Place

Geoff Easton - NoviceWood Art

Geoff Easton - Novice Wood Art

Geoff Easton - Novice Novelty Item - 3rd Place

Geoff Easton - Novice Novelty Item

Geoff Easton - Novice Item with a Natural Edge

Geoff Easton - Novice Bowl Over 20cm

Frank Larsen - Novice Vase

Frank Larsen - Novice Clock - 3rd Place

David Tonkin - Novice Lidded Container

David Scott - Intermediate Identical Pair

David Coull - Open Vase

David Coull - Open Hollow Vessel

Charles Mercer - Novice Novelty Item

Charles Mercer - Novice Clock - 2nd Place

Charles Mercer - Novice Bowl Over 20cm

2014 Australian Woodturning Exhibition

Ross Gabriel. Novice Lidded Container, 3rd Place

Ross Gabriel Clock.jpg

Ross Gabriel Clock.jpg

Ross Gabriel. Novice Clock 1st Place

Ray Smith. Intermediate Clock, 2nd Place

John McBrinn. Open Wood Art

Graham Besley Identical Pair.jpg

Graham Besley Identical Pair.jpg

Graham Besley. Intermediate Identical Pair, 1st Place

Geoff Easton. Novice Pen

Val Dalsanto. Intermediate Lidded Container

Malcolm Jackson. Intermediate Item with a Natural Edge

Graham Besley. Intermediate Wood Art, 2nd Place

John Osborne. Novice Platter, 2nd Place

Geoff Easton. Novice Pen

Val Dalsanto. Intermediate Novelty Item, 3rd Place

Charles Mercer. Novice Bowl diameter over 200mm

Geoff Easton. Novice Item with a Natural Edge

David Coull. Intermediate Platter

Charles Mercer. Novice Clock

David Scott. Intermediate Novelty Item

Charles Mercer. Novice Lidded Container

David Coull. Intermediate Vase

Graham Besley. Intermediate Bowl over 200mm

David Scott. Intermediate Platter

Geoff Easton. Novice Item with a Natural Edge

Dianne Bermingham - Intermediate Lidded Container

David Scott. Intermediate Platter

Frank Larson. Novice Clock, 3rd Place

Frank Larson. Novice Lidded Container, 2nd Place

Geoff Easton. Novice Wood Art, 3rd Place

Graham Besley. Intermediate Lidded Container, 3rd Place

Geoff Easton. Novice Novelty Item

John Osborne. Novice Miniature Item

Graham Besley. Intermediate Novelty Item

Jim Pagonis. Intermediate Clock

John Osborne. Novice Miniature Item, 2nd Place

Graham Besley. Intermediate Item with a Natural Edge, 3rd Place

Jim Pagonis. Intermediate Spindle Turned Item, 1st Place

John McBrinn. Open Identical Pair, 1st Place

Ray Smith. Intermediate Miniature Item, 2nd Place

Graham Besley. Intermediate Bowl up to 200mm



Ross Gabriel. Novice Vase, 2nd Place

John Osborne. Novice Lidded Container

Ray Smith. Intermediate Bowl over 200mm, 2nd Place

Jim Pagonis. Intermediate Spindle Turned Item

John McBrinn. Open Novelty Item, 2nd Place

Malcolm Jackson. Intermediate Novelty Item

Murray Coulthard. Novice Clock

John Osborne. Novice Lidded Container, 3rd Place

Ray Smith. Intermediate bowl up to 200mm

Ray Smith. Intermediate Novelty Item, 2nd Place

Val Dalsanto. Intermediate Clock

Ray Smith. Intermediate Clock

Val Dalsanto. Intermediate Wood Art

Charles Mercer. Novice Lidded Container

John Osborne. Novice Clock, 3rd Place

John McBrinn. Open Bowl up to 200mm, 1st Place

Val Dalsanto. Intermediate Miniature Item

David Coull. Intermediate Novelty Item

Charles Mercer. Novice Laminated/Built Up

Geoff Easton. Novice Wood Art, 2nd Place

Graham Besley. Intermediate Lidded Container, 2nd Place

Ross Gabriel. Novice Spindle Turned Item, 3rd Place

2013 Australian Woodturning Exhibition

John McBrinn. Open Laminated/Built Up - 3rd Place

Graham Besley. Novice Platter - 2nd Place

Graham Besley. Novice Lidded Container - 2nd Place

Ian Absalom. Novice Lidded Container - 1st Place, Best Novice 1st Place

Mal Jackson. Intermediate Bowl up to 200mm Diameter - 2nd Place

Ray Smith. Intermediate Bowl up to 200mm Diameter

Dianna Bermingham. Intermediate Miniature Item/Set - 1st Place

Rick Gilks. Intermediate Spindle Turned Item

John Osborne. Novice Pen

David Scott. Intermediate Novelty Item

Ross Gabriel. Novice Spindle Turned Item - 2nd Place

John Osborne. Novice Bowl over 200mm Diameter

Dianna Bermingham. Intermediate Lidded Container

Geoff Easton. Novice Bowl up to 200mm Diameter

Mal Jackson. Intermediate Novelty Item - 3rd Place

Ray Smith. Intermediate Lidded Container - 3rd Place

Geoff Easton. Novice Bowl up to 200mm Diameter

Val Dalsanto. Intermediate Clock

Ray Smith. Intermediate Item with a Natural Edge - 3rd Place

Val Dalsanto. Intermediate Lidded Container

Jim Pagonis. Intermediate Spindle Turned Items

John Osborne. Novice Bowl up to 200mm Diameter

Geoff Easton. Novice Clock - 1st Place

Graham Besley. Bowl over 200mm Diameter - 1st Place

John Wheeler. Novice Vase

John McBrinn. Open Clock - 2nd Place

Ray Smith. Intermediate Bowl over 200mm Diameter

John McBrinn. Open Wood Art - 1st Place

Ray Smith. Intermediate Clock - 2nd Place

Val Dalsanto. Intermediate Platter

John Osborne. Novice Pen

Val Dalsanto. Intermediate Clock - 1st Place

Val Dalsanto. Bowl up to 200mm Diameter

John McBrinn. Open Wood Art - 1st Place

Ray Smith. Intermediate Bowl over 200mm Diameter - 2nd Place

Val Dalsanto. Intermediate Bowl up to 200mm Diameter

John Osborne. Novice Clocks - 2nd Place

Graham Besley. Novice Bowls up to 200mm Diameter - 1st Place

John Osborne. Novice Lidded Container

Ray Smith. Intermediate Clocks - 3rd Place

Alan Thompson. Open Clocks - 1st Place

David Scott. Intermediate Spindle Turned Item - 3rd Place

David Scott. Intermediate Spindle Turned Item - 3rd Place

Dianna Bermingham. Intermediate Lidded Container

David Scott. Intermediate Items with a Natural Edge

John Osborne. Novice Miniature Item/Set - 2nd Place

John McBrinn. Open Bowls over 200mm Diameter

Ray Smith. Intermediate Bowl up to 200mm Diameter

David Scott. Intermediate Novelty Item

2012 Australian Woodturning Exhibition

Jim Pagonis, Intermediate Clock - 3rd Place

Ray Smith. Intermediate Clock

Graham Mills. Novice Wood Art

Ray Smith. Intermediate Bowl up to 200mm Diameter

Val Dalsanto. Intermediate Clock

Val Dalsanto. Intermediate Clock

Graham Besley. Novice Vase - 1st Place

David Caddy. Novice Bowl over 200mm Diameter

Jim Pagonis. Intermediate Clock - 2nd Place

Murray Round. Novice Pen - 2nd Place

Val Dalsanto. Intermediate Bowl over 200mm Diameter

Murray Round. Novice Pen - 1st Place

Graham Besley. Novice Bowl over 200mm Diameter

David Scott. Intermediate Laminated/Built Up - 2nd Place

Murray Round. Bowl over 200mm Diameter

Ray Smith. Intermediate Clock - 1st Place

Joe Walker. Intermediate Spindle Turned Item

Graham Besley. Bowl over 200mm Diameter

Murray Round. Novice Lidded Container

Val Dalsanto. Intermediate Lidded Container

John McBrinn. Open Platter - 3rd Place

Val Dalsanto. Intermediate Lidded Container

John McBrinn. Open Wood Art - Best Wood Art (Open) 3rd Place

Graham Mills. Novice Item with Natural Edge

Jim Pagonis. Intermediate Spindle Turned Item - 1st Place

David Caddy. Bowl up to 200mm Diameter

Dianna Birmingham. Intermediate Miniature Item/Set - 2nd Place

Ross Gabriel. Novice Spindle Turned Item - 2nd Place

John McBrinn. Open Identical Pair - 1st Place

Ray Smith. Intermediate Lidded Container

Ray Smith. Intermediate Bowl up to 200mm Diameter - 2nd Place

John Osborne, Novice Clock - 2nd Place

John McBrinn. Open Novelty item - 1st Place

Michael O'Callaghan. Intermediate Item with a Natural Edge -2nd Place

Michael O'Callaghan. Intermediate Wood Art - 1st Place

Michael O'Callaghan - Intermediate Lidded Container

Graham Besley. Novice Item with a Natural Edge - 1st Place, Best Novice 3rd Place

Val Dalsanto. Intermediate Lidded Container

David Caddy. Novice laminated/Built Up

Joe Walker. Intermediate Wood Art

Jim Pagonis. Intermediate Spindle Turned Item - 2nd Place

Val Dalsanto. Intermediate Item with a Natural Edge

Ray Smith. Intermediate Bowl Over 200mm Diameter - 2nd Place

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